Blog Archives

Cheat Code: Reducing Single-Use Plastic in the Home

I got the idea for this post a few weeks ago, and since Earth Day is Monday, April 22nd this seemed like the perfect time to write it up.  The recycling program where we live recently faced some changes and had to revert back to an older, less efficient system.  This has made the topic of recycling come up more than usual lately and it’s really been making me think about our impact on the environment.  As the poor couple, when we first moved in together most of our focus was on getting what we needed at a price we could afford.  As we’ve gotten more established in our home it’s given us a chance to make some changes in what we buy – though price is still almost always first priority!  So let’s take a look at what changes we’ve made over the past couple of years to help reduce our use of plastic in our home and how you can do it too!


Photo Credit: Gary Chan via Unsplash

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Quick Recipe: Kare-Raisu (Japanese Curry) カレーライス (Simple Version!)

So we’ve covered Japanese curry before on PCFG. But if you’ve looked at that recipe already, you may have found it a bit intimidating. It calls for some random foodstuffs and has about 72,000 total ingredients. But what if you’re craving some sweet, sweet curry but don’t want to go all-out? Well, you can buy a packet of curry starter-sauce, okay… But hey hang on, you may just have all the ingredients lying around for this simpler version of it!


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PSA: Hold It!! Do NOT Throw Out Your Pumpkins! They’re Literally Food.

Alright, maybe this seems a bit obvious to people out there who cook with pumpkin at home. But tragically, year after year we see the most despicable of Fall-crimes: throwing away pumpkins.


I dare you to tell these guys they’re actual garbage. I frigging triple-dog dare you.

But let us make this very clear, here: pumpkins are FOOD. They’re not just decorations. They’re a healthy, delicious foodstuff that you can use as decorations, but that’s the best part, after they’re done you can freaking eat these things!

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Cheat Codes: Make Sticky Rice Easy, Using A Rice Cooker

Sticky rice goes by a few names, since it has a few different varieties with minuscule differences. Sweet rice, sticky rice, glutinous rice, etc… They all have similar food applications, and have odd cooking requirements that can make them a chore to bother with, when you can slap together a bowl of plain ol’ white rice in like 20 minutes. Fear not! For all you out there who own a rice cooker, there’s hope!

Sticky, sticky, hope.

Sticky, sticky, hope.

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Spices 101: What is Paprika?

So, a common theme you see here on PCFG is that a lot of so-called “fancy” foods, aren’t actually all that fancy when you dissect them and figure out just what the hell they are. Paprika is a big, big offender of that notion, since it seems like half the population of Earth has heard of it, but doesn’t really know what it is. It’s just some sort of mysterious, fancy-pants seasoning that they sprinkle on your dish at the end of cooking, and it probably costs a billion dollars. Fortunately, most of that is false (though it is frequently sprinkled onto plates as a garnish).



Origin: South America
Appearance: Fine, red powder
Scent: Peppery, fruity, earthy
Taste: Dark, sweet, pungent
Hungarian, Italian, Spanish, Latino
Rareness: Common



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