Growing up is terrible. Upon graduating college, we’re all met with the sobering slap of budgeting our lives, rather than relying on an endless supply of life sustenance from our parents. Amongst the various little changes and nuances we must deal with while maturing into unemployed, grown-ass adults is what to put into our mouths (and to be more specific/less sexual, we’re referring to food). Managing your money is a challenge no one wants to deal with, and a game that nobody wins, save for people wearing monocles. For those of us whose salaries cannot support the grandiose hobby of monocle-wearing, even a weekly budget for food can be swept to the side in favor of stupid things like electricity and indoor plumbing. Things grow more complicated once you throw the prospect of dating and relationships into the equation. Men must wine and dine their women, and women must cook for their men, if you want to play into the adorably retro gender stereotypes the 1950s bestowed upon us. Nonetheless, when you’re worried about spending money on a second person, this only makes the matter at hand that more taxing. There’s always the option of starving yourself or your mate, if you’re into that sort of thing. But those among us who aren’t advocates of BDSM, you’re going to have to find ways to be crafty about the money you spend on your foods.

So maybe you’ve discovered an eating schedule or pattern that fits into your lifestyle means. After all, very few of us eat out at five-star restaurants on a regular basis. Yet even the best of plans can quickly go to hell, and before you know it, your food schedule has devolved into an endless spiral of dollar-menu items and ramen noodles. What is a struggling, hungry twenty-something  like yourself to do?
That’s where we come in! Who are we? We’re in exactly the same situation as you. A couple of poor college-graduates looking for steady employment to no avail. However despite this, we manage to find ways to eat well, and on the cheap. As food-lovers, we’re not willing to settle for fast food everynight. And not just because of the whole, you know, heart disease thing either. Food is awesome, and it should stay awesome. That’s why we’ve figured out ways to keep eating tasty, delightful cuisine while still somewhat managing to live a fulfilling, but underemployed life together. And furthermore, that’s why we’re willing to share our insight with our edacious brethren. Let’s keep eating awesome food (even if growing up isn’t so awesome)!

Also, to further answer your question of “Who are we?”, here’s a much simpler answer.


icon_eriks3Erik S.

Occupation: Pest Control Technician / EMT
Favorite Pizza: Buffalo Chicken
Life Status: Career Hunting
Favorite Meal to Cook: Chicken Teriyaki
Hobbies: Music, Video Games, Drawing
Favorite Couple’s Activity: Playing Tennis

icon_megaMeg A.

Occupation: Dog Walker
Favorite Pizza: Neapolitan
Life Status: Transitioning from student to adult
Favorite Meal to Cook: Mac and cheese
Hobbies: Crocheting, Spinning, Photography
Favorite Couple’s Activity: Making fun of terrible movies together.


Trust us. We’re adorable, we know what we’re talking about.

SrsBusiness Stuff:

Poor Couple’s Food Guide is a New York and Long Island based food blog founded in 2013 by Erik S. and Meghan A. It focuses on living a healthy, enjoyable lifestyle through knowledge of cooking and food, as well as how to apply that knowledge with limited funding and income. Growing in popularity, it now garners over 10,000 monthly views from fans across multiple forms of social media. Features of PCFG include cooking tips and tutorials, product reviews, as well as general interest and humor articles about food and its role in a happy relationship.
Poor Couples Food Guide also operates a Facebook page for additional interaction with fans, a Youtube channel for uploading video content, and posts NYC/Long Island restaurant reviews on Yelp as well.

The name and website Poor Couples Food Guide © is copyright 2013-2016, all rights reserved. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without expressed and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Recipes, excerpts, photos, and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Poor Couple’s Food Guide and its authors, with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

  1. Hey you guys are awesome. Do you keep your career options open if the money was right and it did not interfere with your current passions?

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  2. you couple are awesome
    Stay blessed
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